ness – Cannabis Marketing Copywriting

ness – Cannabis Marketing Copywriting
A brand from Canadian LP BZAM Ltd., ness invites both the cannabis curious and experienced to explore the many possibilities of the plant. This brand is all about finding the flavours you love, the flower that speaks to you, and the format that fits your day. From fruity, sweet, and sour strains to best-selling vapes in unexpected flavours (hello Pumpkin Spice and London Nog!), ness has a full menu of good-ness for you to explore.
Whether it’s time for happy-ness, still-ness or getting down to busi-ness, anytime is a great time to Explore Your -ness.
As Senior Copywriter at BZAM Ltd., I was integral in the development and evolution of the ness brand from its inception as a self-care focused brand to its current iteration as a disco flower power dream.
I was responsible for the ness brand voice, campaign ideation, concepting and all copy outputs including product descriptions, product naming, web content, email copy, videos, in-store merchandising, social copy, stickers, pool noodles, mirror decals and anything else Health Canada would let us put our stamp on.
Brand Manager/Creative Direction: Katherine Webb
Designers: Christopher Li, Gianna Thompson, Nick Mcdonald
Senior Copywriter: Jessica Grajczyk